Thursday, August 11, 2011


Being married to my best friend was like an anticipated surprise every day.  I didn't say it was always perfect.  That there were no bumps in our rose strewn pathway.  Of course there are adjustments when two lives are blended together as one.  Ours would be no exception.  We would learn, however, that love covers a multitude of imperfections.

Before we became Mr. and Mrs. Edwards - I love the way it sounds - it seemed my guy had plenty of
cash on hand at all times.  And he loved spending it on his girl. 

 Don't misunderstand me.  He still loved spending it on me, his wife.  The problem was he made the decision to quit his job a few days before our
wedding. I completely trusted that he knew what he was doing.  And what his plan was for the immediate future.  It just didn't come together exactly as he had anticipated.  My dear husband is the hardest working man I have ever
known in my life!  He had possessed his Plumbing Contractors License for 30 plus years.  While he had owned his own plumbing business before we met, unforeseen circumstances  had forced him into working for the other man.  So to speak.  He knew this was only going to be a temporary situation.

New beginnings.  Love. Marriage.  Starting up a new business once again.  Which didn't happen overnight.  Remember the
old saying about
money not growing on trees?

Neither does it line the deep pockets of an
unemployed plumber (smile).                    

But we knew it would be okay.  Soon we hoped. We had prayed about it and believed
God was in the plan with us.  Which He definitely was!  Doors began opening.  Things began coming
together.  We were seeing light at the end of this tunnel.

This was our first and biggest challenge we faced as we started our lives together.
Odell's attitude was impressive.  Very encouraging.  And it made me smile.  'Honey, these things in
life are just minor inconveniences.  Nothing to get all worried about.  They always work out.'

And he was right.  Maybe not exactly as we thought they should.  Not every time.  But they did work out
eventually.  His business, EDWARDS PLUMBING once again was up and running. Note:  The little guy
doesn't resemble my Odell.  Imagine a good looking man with a mostly silver crew cut and minus the big belly (big smile here).

Being the professional he was, he had established quite a reputation among homeowners, businesses and building contractors.  Soon he was working a lot of hours most days.  And I missed him.  Remember I wasn't working any longer.  I devised creative ways to see him.  One of my favorites was taking lunch to him on the job.
Which he loved.  Unless he was crawling under a house.  Or up on a steep roof.

Sharing lunches together was just one of the little things we enjoyed.  Seemingly
insignificant.  But not to us.  There can be amazing joy in the smallest things.
And should be viewed as a gift in life's journey together.

We had no idea what direction our paths would take.  Whether smooth.
Rocky. Or steep.  We just knew that we would travel these paths together.
Side by side.  Hand in hand.  In love.  And with God leading the way...



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