Saturday, August 20, 2011


Oh, my goodness!  Where do I begin?  This man was our pastor, and had been my pastor for many years before my Odell came into the picture.  A very original one of a kind man. Cajun French. Quite unique. And lovable.  This is Richard Gremillion.  And his dear wife, Carol. 

I thought the world of them both.   I had no doubt my sweet husband would love them, too.  And he did.  Actually, it didn't take long before these two one of a kind men formed a strong bond.  Their relationship was close.  They shared many good laughs.  Usually at my expense.  It seemed I always figured into the equation.  Hardly fair odds.  Two strong men against one helpless female.  Naturally I was a good sport.  What choice did I have?  Being a joker myself.

Remember the woman Odell dated before he met me? Unbeknownst to her, the former girlfriend became the brunt of fun, fictitious stories. For years to come.  My guy could come up with stories out of thin air!  It didn't take long for Pastor G to hear the story about this woman I had never met.  And he got a big kick out of carrying it on with Odell. Enjoying the attempt to really get me going.  More than once, this cute joker I was married to would say, 'Now, honey...Bro. Gremillion told me he doesn't see a thing wrong with a man having another woman in the closet!'  Obviously a completely misconstrued statement. (smile).

For eleven years, these two friends talked about going fishing.  They would definitely go someday.
  Trouble is, it never happened.  Between Bro. G's preaching and Odell's plumbing, they could never seem to fit it in.  Very sad. And yet...this may have been a blessing.  Imagine these two characters out on the lake in a boat...carrying on as they did.  The boat could have capsized.  Possibly sending them to their unscheduled eternal rewards.  Leaving two grieving widows to mourn these crazy guys they were so crazy in love with. (sigh).

Soon the church was into a building program, as we had outgrown the one we were in. Fortunately, our congregation was blessed to have among them several talented craftsmen who volunteered their skills.  Odell was among these great men.  The Plumber.  The best of the best.  Not just a proud wife's bragging.  It was a fact. Easily verified by several contractors he had worked with for many years. And it wouldn't be the first church he had donated his skills for.  He didn't talk about it much.  It was his way of giving back to God.  For all his blessings.

You may be wondering what this building program has to do with my husband and the pastor's friendship.  And their love of humour.  More often than not at the expense of Yours Truly.  But not this time. On with the story. . .

Since there is no way to share all the craziness, if you will indulge me here, I'll share one that my honey had so much fun doing. Odell dearly loved to stir up trouble.  Just for fun, mind you.

 He sauntered up to one of his friends, Norman, the electrician, and said, 'Hey, Norm, you oughta hear what the preacher said about you. . .'  And calmly walked away.  Leaving Norman scratching his head.  He then proceeded on to a room Pastor G was painting, 'Hey, Preacher, you oughta hear what Norman said about you. . .' Again calmly walked away. Back to his plumbing. I asked him, 'Honey, didn't you ever tell them it was a joke?'  He threw back his head and laughed.  That infectious laugh I loved.  'Why, no,' he said.  Like. . .why would I even ask him that?

And my favorite thing that happened during the building project wasn't a joke.
Which I heard for the first time May 6, 2010. At the funeral home. The day his friend, Norman, came to pay his respects to his dear friend.  My Odell.  He told me that one day after I had dropped by the church to bring Odell something to eat and drink, he waited till I left.  Then he approached my plumber guy and teased him, saying 'Hey, Odell. . .now how do you expect to ever get this plumbing done if Barbara keeps dropping by all the time?'  And my darling husband had replied with the sweetest words ever.  He told him, 'Norm, the day I can't flirt with my wife is the day you can call the undertaker.'

I loved it!  Such a sweet way to express himself. him.  But completely sincere.  I don't know why Odell hadn't told me before.  He always enjoyed sharing the fun bantering that went on among the guys as they worked. But I was glad he hadn't told me then.  Because at that moment I was hearing these words from my beloved husband.  Through a friend who loved Odell as a brother.
It was a God gift.  Saved for me. . . when my heart would need it the most.

And I won't end this part of our story on a sad note.  Because, you see, while I miss him with all
my heart, the precious memories go on and on. . .and I am so blessed to recall them clearly.

And I don't just cry.  I smile.  I laugh. And I will continue to share these memories with my family.  And friends.  And I will know my guy is smiling, too.  From Heaven.

 But it wasn't the time for goodbyes. . . not for many years to come.

 So we would live each day. And treasure each day.  Joyful.  Happy. Blessed. And in love.

And our story continues. . .tomorrow.

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