Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I can't believe it!  Other than a few little, minor details, we were almost there!

In case you, my faithful readers, are wondering if I have forgotten
a very important detail, have no fear!



Okay. Obviously this was a big one.
And an important one.
 It wasn't actually last on my list.  It was one of the first, in fact.
I just forgot to list it in our story.
It isn't easy to admit this.
After all, I have been a bit proud of my accomplishments
as 'Wedding Planner,' you know.

First, last, in the middle?
As long as it gets done...who cares?
Not me, the happy bride!
I had much more exciting things on my mind.
My very busy little mind!

Like spending quality time with my fiance.
It was Friday, April 27.
Our wedding was one week away!
We had decided not to see one another
after this weekend.
At least not until the night before.
At the rehearsal dinner my groom to be was planning.

By this time, I had already had my final fitting.
My beautiful wedding gown was hanging in my closet and ready to be worn by me. 
Only me. I could hardly wait!
And I knew my wonderful groom would love it!

And now. . .note the * by List #7.  Photographer...Done!
Was I getting a little nervous?  No way!  Just so, so excited!
Okay.  So what if I was 47 years old?  Age didn't matter.
Not when you were as in love as I was with my amazing guy!
And I had no doubt he was just as in love with his girl!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


I couldn't believe it!  The days were going by so quickly!
April 2 was just around the corner.
Things were going pretty well.
Old lists were being checked off.
New lists were being made.
And I was feeling pretty good about the progress I was making!

It was time now for....



I LOVE music, so it had to be an important part of our beautiful day.
And exactly what we both wanted.
Although Odell was fine with leaving the music up to me!
Which I was happy to handle.
I had given much thought to it, and had come up with some pretty special ideas.
My sister, Cynthia, sang at my first wedding.
She has a beautiful voice, and I definitely wanted her to sing when Odell and I said, 'I do.'
I called her to be sure she would be able to come to Tulsa for her favorite sister's wedding?
I'm her only sister!
Anyway, she was excited and happy to sing my requested song.
'Theme from Ice Castles.'
You know the one?  I love the words that start with
'Please don't let this feeling end. . .'
(I'm singing it while I write.)

Both of my daughters have lovely voices, as well.
So I asked my youngest, Lori, to sing a duet with David, a young man from our church.
'Household of Faith' was my song of choice and they both agreed to sing it for me.
My oldest daughter, Christy agreed to sing another song I love.
'We Are Standing On Holy Ground.'

Naturally, I wouldn't consider leaving my two talented sons out.
It was going to be the happiest day ever and everyone needed to play a part!
They would play a trumpet and trombone duet at the beginning of the ceremony.
'Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us.'
This beautiful song would play before anyone came down the aisle.
Before even the ministers and Odell walked to the front of the chapel.
I felt so blessed to have such a talented and awesome family.
Who were actually happy to take part in their mama's wedding.
It meant the world to me!
And still does.
The music was taken care of.

Next was the tuxedos.
Very simple.
A quick call to a wedding formal wear place was made.
Required information was provided.
Odell would take it from there.  My wonderful, efficient groom!
He would handle this detail in the wedding preparations and would make sure all his men were properly fitted.

Note the stars beside items on List #6.

I breathed a happy sigh of relief.  Everything was coming together wonderfully!
And beautifully.
There wasn't much more to do.
Except to try on my wedding dress which was almost complete!

I wondered if any bride anywhere could be any happier than I was?
I didn't think it was possible.
Soon I would be................... Mrs. Odell Edwards

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Today I'm taking a little break from our story.
I wouldn't want you, my faithful readers,
to become tired of all the 'wedding lists'.

A few days ago was Memorial Day.
My second one without Odell.  The love of my life!
The first one was just a few weeks after he went to be with Jesus.
Was this one any better?  Not really.  Maybe just a little easier.
When Odell left, he took a piece of my heart with him.
The hole will always be there.  The empty place.
The place in my heart that belonged to Odell.
His special place that no one else could ever fill.

Today I just want to share with you a few of the things I miss.
My list is ongoing because I add to it frequently.
There are over 100 one liners so far and the list keeps growing.

Didn't I tell you I'm a list person?

I hope you don't mind my sharing just a very few of the things I miss.

I miss his smile.
And his cute, adorable grin.

I miss the twinkle in those beautiful blue eyes that could
look right thru me.

I miss his voice.  
The first time I heard his voice. . .
in the message he left on my voice mail before we ever met,
I fell in love with it.
It was like no other voice I will ever know again.
Not in this life.

I miss his laugh that always lit up a room.  And always made me laugh.

Even if I didn't see what was that amusing.  His laugh was so infectious!

I miss his touch.  I miss those big hands. . .calloused and work worn.
But mostly gentle.  
And always loving.

I miss so much
hearing him say, 'I love you, honey.  I love you more.'

Thank you for letting me share.
It's not without tears that I write today.

You see, simply put. . .we completed one another.

I love honoring his memory. 
I count it a privilege.
After all, that is the reason I write our story.
And who doesn't enjoy a good love story?
Especially a true one.

I will be okay.  As much as is possible without him.
He would want me to smile and keep laughing.
It's a big part of what made our relationship so special.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get back to those 'wedding lists.'

So stay tuned.  You never know what you may be missing
from his girl!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I really wish there were words to express how happy I was.
How happy my sweet Odell made me.
Each morning I awakened with the joy of being alive!
The joy of having this wonderful, amazing man in my life.

And planning.  That was also on my mind those busy days!
Oh, and by the way. . .
Did I mention planning?
It was on my mind.

I'd been giving some thought to the latest and most current list.
Actually, the first part was really simple.
Colors for my attendants.
Two would be wearing pink.
Two would be wearing yellow.
Easy enough, Right?
I certainly thought so.

In case you are thinking I may have been overdoing these
colors just a little. . .
Let me assure you that simply wasn't the case!
I had learned that while the Chapel furnished the floral arrangements.
They wouldn't be my pinks and yellows.
They would be ivory.
Quite lovely.  Just not what I'd had in mind.

I decided that the bridesmaids dresses would be the way to keep the colors I wanted.
I just wouldn't be shopping for these colors at
Hobby Lobby or Michael's.

I would be looking for these colors in dresses at JC Penney's.
Or wherever I could find them.
And I wouldn't quit shopping until I had found the
perfect shades of pink and yellow!
Which is exactly what I did.

The dresses were simple, but pretty.
No typical Bridesmaids 'poufy sleeves.'
The last thing I wanted was cranky,
whimpering bridesmaids complaining about their dresses!

Next was the cake.
It had to be very special.
It must be beautiful and taste heavenly.
With a gorgeous fountain in the center!
Well, the fountain wouldn't have to be quite that big.
But you get the point.

Thankfully, I knew a lady whose profession was cake decorating.
I made an appointment with her and our  'dream wedding cake' was in the works!

LIST # 5

* Bridesmaids dresses
* Wedding Cake

Done!  I just couldn't figure out why brides seemed to have
so much trouble planning their perfect wedding!
I was loving every minute!

Well. . .maybe it was a bit easier for me since Odell had made
me a lady of leisure!   How special it was to be loved by
my guy who loved spoiling his girl!