I love roses!
And yellow roses are my favorite!
But then, pink is so pretty, too.
Ok, pink and yellow.
Yes, definitely.
I think so.
Yes. Pretty sure.
Have I mentioned that I have a problem making decisions?
My oldest daughter tells me it's because I'm a middle child.
She just may be right. I don't know.
Can't decide.
All I know is that I'm the last to order at a tupperware party.
AND I am usually the last to order at a restaurant.
I have even been known to change my order a few times.
When someone else's order sounds better than mine!
My dear Odell would often. . .
occasionally and affectionately, call me 'Lucy'.
If you're an I Love Lucy fan, it will make sense.
If you aren't, just trust me on this one.
Lucy had difficulty deciding what to order when they
were at a restaurant with their sidekicks, Fred and Ethel.
It was quite hilarious!
So, here I am, the wedding planner, facing so many
choices and ultimate decisions.
They just had to be the perfect flowers.
For our perfect wedding!
As I was daydreaming about this part of my list
A very dear friend of mine called.
She told me she would be honored if I would
allow her to take care of the flowers.
My goodness! Of course I would!
Actually, it would give me great pleasure
to honor my friend.
She told me to just choose my colors and she would take it from there.
I could definitely probably do that.
Actually, that decision was the easiest.
And Yellow.
And Ivory for my bridal bouquet.
There. Colors chosen.
There's the star.
Now on to other things. . .
I breathed a sigh of relief and happy contentment.
I was feeling good and just a wee bit proud of myself!
A decision had been made.
No more second guessing that.
There is at least one decision I knew I would never second guess.
That would be the decision to love Odell Edwards with all my heart!
(many smiles and sighs here)
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