would appear this story is leaning a bit heavily on being too much about me. While I don't want to continue drawing attention to myself...because I much prefer to talk about the
love of my would seem I'm always right in the middle of it all! I'm determined not to wonder if this wonderful man would have had second thoughts about me had he known how accident prone I am...and how many physical problems came with the 'complete package' he claimed to dearly love. Oh, well, I shall be content with knowing I'm so loved by him, and just not go there with silly doubts...And, after all,
our story somehow sort of just includes me, too! (smile)
One might think that a wreck and six weeks in rehab should be enough attention for one person.
And it should have been. I was beginning to wonder if living on Happy Camp Road would indeed be as happy as we thought
. Correction. Happy, yes. Without trials and tribulations? No.
I don't know when this pain started in my extreme lower back, or when it got to the point it was excruciating. I just know that it continued to get worse and quickly. My doctor ordered an MRI after examining me. My daughter, Christy, said she could take me for the test.This portion would be much better told by her. It is my understanding that this story, along with others in which I am the main character, has been told to several of her friends. I have been told that her friends laugh so hard, they are actually in tears, and begging for 'more mom stories.' You see, Christy has quite a talent for telling funny events, and she does embellish them somewhat. You know...just to make them
really interesting!
When we arrived at the medical facility for the MRI, my daughter had me wait in the car while she went inside to get a wheelchair for me. Slowly and painfully, I got out of the car and into the wheelchair. The journey began. This was not a fun or happy journey. She had brought out a wheelchair, unbeknownst to her, that had a broken wheel. This little wheel didn't manifest itself until we started up a slight incline.
Bump...bump...bumpity bump! Christy had to keep starting over because she was laughing so hard. The bumpy attempts were doing nothing to ease my pain! During these rough and repeated attempts, a car drove up and parked close by.
Christy glanced over and noticed a professionally dressed lady getting out and carrying a chart. Assuming she worked in the MRI office, possibly returning from lunch, my daughter turned to her, '
'Here! You take her. I've had it!' The lady looked a bit confused but smiled and said,
'oh, okay, sure...' Upon arriving inside, Christy turned to thank her. The lady was approaching the check in window. She was carring her exray films. She was there for an MRI herself.
Can you imagine our embarrassment...especially Christy's...asking a lady who was most likely in pain herself, to push a patient up an incline in a wheel chair with a broken wheel...Oh, my goodness! I couldn't look up at that point.
Before my doctor received results from the tests, I continued to get worse. I should have gone to the Emergency Room, but I hated those places! I thought if I just gave it time, I would get better.
It was a Sunday morning. We were invited to attend the church which Christy and her family attended. There was a very special reason for this. Two of my grandsons were going to be baptized that morning during the worship service. I remember Odell being really concerned about whether or not I should attempt to go.
'Honey, are you sure you can do this? I think you're in way too much pain.' He further tried to convince me that Christy would understand if I couldn't make it. Of course, I agreed with him. I knew she would understand, but I wanted to be there for their Baptism. I figured with his strong arms to help me, I could do it. He finally agreed to give it a try. When we got to Tulsa, we went by to pick up Mamaw Sanders. It was when I got out of the car to let her ride in the front with Odell, that I realized maybe this hadn't been such a good idea, after all. I could barely move. Every movement was jerky and twisted. Aaagh!
I was determined to do it! When we finally arrived at the church, my sweet Odell went inside to ask if there was a wheel chair we could borrow. By that time, I was feeling a bit self conscious. Oh, dear God! The pain had become unbearable! But I was stubborn enough not to admit how badly I was hurting. I remember actually smiling and saying 'hello' to the curious onlookers, as I was wheeled into the sanctuary. I made it through the service. It was such a sweet baptism of Austin and Kagen. I can't believe what happened next. I don't think my family realized the extent of my pain when they all decided we should go out and eat. Okay. I admit it was stupid of me not to tell them then and there a big 'I CAN'T DO IT', but did I? Of course not. We dined at El Chico's. I was in increasing El Pain-O! After we arrived home, Odell helped me into bed. I got up a little later to take a very shaky shower. I knew I had to go to the other option. When we got there, I was admitted. More tests were run. I had several small fractures in the sacral. (I know. I had never heard that word before either. It's the very lowest portion of the spine). Prior to one of the tests, I was given a pill to swallow. It was the last thing I knew until I opened my eyes, looking much like a startled deer in the headlights...a roomful of people surrounded my bed..and there were paddles on my heart to shock me back to life. For some unknown reason, I had stopped breathing. I was in the hospital for several days and finally released to go home. The total bed rest had allowed the fractures to heal. Bed rest and prayers. Especially the prayers. I was so thankful to be getting out of there!
Ahhh...home at last. In our bed. With my adorable husband beside me. I turned toward him. I just had to ask him.
'Baby, if you had known all this before we had married, would you...' He stopped me mid sentence,
'Honey, shame on you! Don't even go there. Yes, I would have married you!' I smiled. I already knew it. In my heart, I knew how loved I was by
my guy! I just wanted to hear him say the words.
I hoped and prayed that this would be the last scary situation I would put us in. More than that, I hoped he would never put me there, either. Yet, there was one thing I knew for sure and that is that
we never know for sure. It's all in God's hands. And we would just have to be content to put our trust in Him for our future. I sighed contentedly as I snuggled closer in his arms. It was
so sweet to be kissed by him, to play footsies with my guy, and so sweet to be home sweet home.