I have left out some of the details of our story.
Therefore, I am going to back up just a little and fill in
some of the blanks.
After meeting Odell, I wasn't looking to be set up
with any other men from the dating service.
However, one day my phone rang and 'Mike'
was on the other end.
He told me there was someone else he would
like for me to meet.
I guess he wanted to be sure and fulfill my contract with the singles station and set me up with a few more men.
Get my money's worth so to speak.
I hesitated, but finally agreed to meet this
mystery man.
From the moment I met him, there was no
No feeling at all like I had felt with Odell.
We went to a Mexican Restaurant.
A place we could chat comfortably over a casual meal.
Well, you know what?
I enjoy talking as much as anyone.
More than most.
Ok, I love to talk.
You get the point.
But, not that night.
He did all the talking. Almost.
I think I cleared my throat a time or two.
And right off the bat...
I DID NOT fall in love with his voice.
While we were waiting on our dinner,
He turned to me and asked if I had said
I have four children?
I said I did, but before I could discuss my wonderful sons and daughters,
he commented on how nice that was and continued to tell me all about
I nodded.
Cleared my throat.
As we finally headed back to my apartment,
he was telling me that he used to do some
bull riding.
Aha! I could tell him that my brother had
done some of that, too.
That's all I got to say.
He continued...
He also reached for my hand and held
it on the way home.
I felt nothing. No tingling.
No warm, fuzzy feeling.
This was before Odell had gone to
church with me and really, really held my hand!
We said goodnight a few minutes later.
He told me he had really enjoyed it and
would like to give me a ring if that was okay.
I told him 'okay' but did he know my size?
It took him a few seconds to get my meaning.
Hey, it was the only fun I had all evening.
The next day I had my phone number changed.
I didn't want to see him again.
But I didn't want to tell him.
Yes, I know.
It was a cowardly thing to do.
Funny how it didn't even bother me!
And even though Odell and I had only been
out one time, he was disappointed that
I had gone out with someone else.
So was I.
Throughout this 'date' I constantly found myself
comparing this man to Odell.
These two men were as different
as night and day.
However, I didn't feel quite as badly about this date
After learning how many women Odell had been set up with by Mike.
I also learned something else quite funny
about all these other women before ME.
But that 'something' will have to wait
Until next time. . .
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