Monday, March 28, 2011


There is so much I want to tell you about this man.
It's hard to know just where to begin and where to end.
It didn't take long to discover just how thoughtful he was.
And just how generous.
I'm going to try and make a long,
complex story,
as short as possible.

I had not used my better judgment,
and loaned a good friend my rent money.
This friend further complicated matters
by being unable to repay the loan.
Leaving my rent past due by a couple of days.

It was Sunday and I was at work.
Time to stop for a lunch break.
I felt too stressed to eat.
I thought about Odell.
Funny how he came to mind.
Now. When things looked bleak!
The urge to call him was strong.
Definitely not to ask him for a loan.
I just wanted to hear the voice
I had already fallen in love with.
I picked up the phone,
and tentatively dialed his number.
He sounded happy to hear from me.
Asked me how my day was going.
Hesitantly I related my dilemma to him.
Hoping to hear an understanding tone.
I wasn't disappointed.
He wanted to know what time I got off work,
and did I have plans for afterwards?
He also asked if I didn't mind, would I tell him
just how much money I needed?
The first question was an easy one.
I told him I would be off at 5:00 and
planned to go to church from there.
The second question wasn't as easy to
respond to.  But he sounded sincere.
So I told him how much the loan was.
 'I really didn't call to ask you for a loan.'
It felt like I could 'hear' him smiling.
'But I want to help you.  And this is not
a loan.  I don't want you to pay me back.'

Seriously?  Do nice men like this really exist?

He met me after work and followed  me to church.
I was so happy for him to go with me.
We held hands the whole service.
And my hand felt so small.
Held tightly in his really big hand.
Really tightly.  
The circulation was being cut off.
It's okay!  I will endure the pain! 
We enjoyed the service.
When it was over, I introduced him
to my two sons, Don and Randy, and their families.

While I very discreetly rubbed
some feeling back into my hand.

 At this point, we all decided  to go to Ci Ci's Pizza.
For food and time for Odell to get to know
my two over protective sons.
It didn't take long to see that he had won their approval!
In a few minutes, they were 'shooting the bull'
like old friends.

Later, he followed me to my apartment.
"Would you like to come in for awhile?'
Of course he would.  For awhile.
A couple of hours and a few kisses later  
We said goodnight.
But neither of us wanted to.

I knew as I watched him leaving that this was going somewhere.
And that it was good.
It was better than good!
I just felt it. . .deep down.
And I believe he felt it, too.

I would sit back.
Enjoy the ride.
See where God would lead us.
I was feeling pretty sure of one thing.
Wherever He led
It would be together. .  .

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