Thursday, October 27, 2011


Remember the tomatoes our mouths were watering for?  Sadly, it was not to be...not this year. We would have to wait until next summer to satisfy those cravings.  By the time we had moved into our new mobile home, it was too late to work up the ground and plant in time to harvest a good crop...but we would be looking so forward to reaping a wonderful harvest the next summer. And it would be so rewarding to share with our friends and family. We resigned ourselves to the sad fact that Walmart's produce aisle would have to
suffice until next summer.  But only until we were knee deep in my hubby's happy little garden. (sigh).

Oh, wasn't all about gardens put on hold. July Fourth was coming up.  While not all of our kids would be able to come over to celebrate, there would be several who could make it.  Living out in the country and away from close neighbors, would be great for a party.  We could make noise and who would complain? Possibly cows and a dog or two.

 AND...not all the noise would be from animals, kids, and fireworks.  Some would come from a tiny new addition to our family...our darling baby Josie Renee Russell.  Born the day before Valentine's Day, 2002,  she would be there to celebrate the Fourth with us.  Her very first. Along with her proud parents... Lori, my youngest daughter, and Kyle.
And, held safely in the strong arms of her Pa-Pa Dell, with Nanny close by. Just to make sure he didn't drop this little angel. (smile).

Okay.  I'll admit to being just a bit over protective when it comes to all our grandchildren.  Josie was our fourteenth. I know. You must be wondering how such a young couple could possibly be blessed with so many beautiful grandchildren? Well, surprise, surprise! There would be others arriving...just a little later. And each one would wrap their sweet little selves around our big hearts. Isn't it amazing how God designed our hearts to go on expanding...making room for all the love needed for future blessings yet to come!

It turned out to be an awesome evening. Of course, there can't be a Fourth celebration without grilled burgers and hot dogs.  Accompanied by all the fixings. Including home made ice cream. And lots of fireworks!

While we all headed outside to set out lawn chairs, Mamaw Sanders offered to stay inside and rock Josie.
'All that noise will scare mamaw's baby thing,' she claimed adamantly. Mamaw had always called the babies that. Fondly, of course. So she and Josie settled back in the rocker and enjoyed some special one on one. Cuddling and bonding.

Outside wasn't nearly so calm.  My guy and my oldest son, Donnie,
were in charge of putting on a big show for the others.  They did a bang up job, I might add.  We all oohed and ahhed and clapped.
There was just the slightest breeze after the big show was over. Which was delightfully refreshing and welcome after a hot summer day.  And no one seemed in a hurry to break up our little party. It was so nice...just sitting around talking. Laughing. And watching the little ones playing around us. I wondered if life could get much better than this.  Sharing quality fun time with the ones you love so much. And being loved back.

Finally, things slowly began breaking up.  Mamaw had loved rocking the baby. Now she was tired and anxious to get home to her bed. You know how it is.  Older folk are so lovingly set in their own way...their own little routines they've established over all the many years. (smile).

And, if I'm to be completely honest here, I will have to admit that I was beginning to feel a bit tired myself. Not to mention (though I am mentioning), I was looking forward to some alone time with my guy...remember that sweet, handsome, amazingly wonderful guy I was so blessed to be married to...yeah, him!
If the cute little grin on his face was anything to judge by, I would say that he and I were on the same wave length.  Could it be the fireworks weren't quite finished yet? (smile).

So...our vegetable garden was not to be this year...just our own beautiful garden of love. And that would suffice for now...for both of us. Very, very well, I might add.


Sunday, October 16, 2011


Occasionally in 'our story' you will notice I go back a a memory of a different place, a different time. There are just so many of them. Occasionally, something will trigger one of these memories, and I feel the urge to share it with you, my readers.  This is one of those times...

It was during our first year of married bliss.  Back to the cute little one bedroom apartment. Where we made some interesting memories. Remember when Odell hid from me and had me thinking something terrible had happened to him...that he had possibly met with foul play?  Or the time I paid him back when I came home from work early and hid in the shower?

 Meet Margaret.

My dear friend of many years. Now Odell's friend, as well. We were comfortable offering her the couch to crash on when she was too tired to drive the fifty plus miles back to her home.  Which didn't happen often. Once in awhile.

This was one of those 'once in awhile' times.  Odell and I were lying in bed.  Just snuggling together.
And talking.
He turned toward me and asked, 'Hey, honey, I was just thinking...why don't we pull a joke on Margaret?'  I was all for it and asked what he had in mind.  His idea involved a cute stuffed monkey someone had given me just for fun.  This little creature was motion activated, so that when someone passed in front of him, he would give a wolf whistle, and say, 'I looove you!'  We were both giggling like a couple of kids when he crawled back under the covers after getting it all set up.

We waited. And waited. Finally, we heard the front door quietly opening.  Then she was in the kitchen.  She enjoyed rummaging in the fridge for a late night snack.  And it was definitely late. We waited.  The bathroom light came on and the door was quickly closed.  Most likely she was trying not to awaken us.  So far we were hearing nothing.  I whispered to my husband, asking him if he was sure he put the monkey on the bathtub edge where she would pass in front of it?  He said he did. Then it happened!  The screaming...

Just as we were about to give up and drift off to sleep...
It didn't take long to learn what had transpired.  Evidently, Margaret wasn't directly in front of our little monkey friend, until she began pulling her shirt off over her head! 

The wolf whistle and the 'I looove you' sent her running into the hall in a panic.  She told us that she just knew that Odell wouldn't have been hiding behind the shower curtain, but then he was the only man in the house!

After Margaret's nerves were calmed, we all got such a laugh. At her expense, of course.  We figured that was all right, though. This was one lady who had more than her share of jokes up her sleeve...
and we could rest assured she would devise a plan of revenge.  Someday.
And when we least suspected it.

I put my arms around my crazy hubby and told him how much I loved him!  He grinned that cute little grin, and sleepily responded, 'yeahhh?'  There may be so many things we had yet to learn about each other, but there was one thing we both knew from the beginning...that is, without a doubt...

Our life together would never be boring!  And we were confidently assured that
                                        whatever surprises may lie ahead...

There would always be smiles. And laughter.  And love. Always love...
It just fits! We loved monkeying around!

Monday, October 10, 2011


This was it...Happy Camp Road.

Just the sound of it made me smile. Maybe because I just knew we would be happy there.  As if it were named years ago just for us...Mr. and Mrs. Odell Edwards.  I know. I get a little sentimental at times.  Well,  guess what? His girl will take sentimental and happy over discontented and sad any ole day.

Odell and I were feeling pretty excited about this new venture together.  While neither of us had ever lived in a double wide...or any size mobile home, we decided it might be fun.  I knew my hubby could hardly wait to put out a nice, big garden.

Getting all moved in was much easier with the help we could always count on from my son, Donnie, and his family. Sometimes all the kids were available to pitch in, as well.
And such friendly neighbors, too! In case you're now wondering if I ever exaggerate just a little...
I confess to doing that...but not when it comes to more serious parts of  'our story'.
I know! Can you believe it? Six weeks at the Ramada and it still wasn't enough time for the mobile home dealership to properly set up our new home!

It was a blessing to have such four amazing grown children and their families. I was beginning to understand God's reason for creating these special little creatures we affectionately call 'kids'.  (smile).

Not long after settling in our nice new place, (funny how this house is even smaller than the first little one we moved from because it was too small), my guy was totally into preparing a portion of the land for our garden.  I had heard comments from family about the amazing tomatoes he and God together always managed to produce!  I so thoroughly loved seeing my husband so passionate and excited about something he so completely enjoyed.

There would be memories to share from our little spot on Happy Camp Road.

I look forward to sharing some of those with you, my faithful readers.  Next time.

At this very moment...I just want to share what is left of this evening with my sweet, lovable, distinguished, handsome guy.  So, if you will indulge his girl, I promise to get back with all of you just a little later...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Living in an apartment wasn't my husband's idea of a real home. Or mine.  His dream was to have a home in the country. To plant fields and reap a wonderful harvest.  To raise black angus cattle.  And so his dream became my dream.  Sharing ideas and looking foward to having everything we wanted...someday.  But it would be awhile. And it was okay. Some things you really want are really worth waiting for.

In June of 2000 the lease was up on our apartment. We found a little house we thought might be good to rent.  At least for awhile.  We just didn't realize just how little this little house actually was. Well, not quite this little!

After six months, we both were ready to move on.  While it was somewhat bigger than the one bedroom apartment, it just wasn't what we were looking for long term.

Odell had done plumbing for a contractor who owned a house in Bixby...out in the country.  While the owner wasn't wanting to sell the house, he was willing to rent it to us. The owner put in new carpet.  We painted.  And painted.  Three bedrooms and the living room.  It was all coming together to be a pretty nice house.  Oh, and did I mention it was on five acres?  With a propane tank. Something we weren't too excited about.

We moved in the weekend before Thanksgiving 2000.  Guess who hosted Thanksgiving dinner! It was fun having everyone out to our new place.

We could see ourselves settling in this place for awhile.  Possibly eventually buying it in the future.  And I could see the look in my guy's eyes as he sized up the property. Building a barn here. A big garden there. Maybe a couple pigs to raise. I was so happy that this just might be where we would settle for the foreseeable future.

It turned out the 'foreseeable future' was pretty short!  The owners decided they might let other family members move into the house and possibly sell it later.  Okay.  We were flexible.  We did something we never thought we would do.  We looked at double wides. Not exactly what we wanted for forever.
Just a place to start on a small acerage.  Our own little piece of land. (sigh).

It was May 2001 when we left the Bixby house. With the new carpet. The new paint.  And the five acres. Land that was waiting for the cattle. The pigs. And the big vegetable garden. Yes. We left. And settled in at ...The Ramada Inn.

  I know. Sounds crazy. It would be temporary, just a couple of weeks while we waited for land improvements and the double wide to be delivered and set up in Beggs. 

Did I say two weeks?  We were the guests at this lovely hotel for six weeks.

  Looking back, I can't imagine why we were so anxious.  Especially me.  I couldn't cook this whole time. And didn't even have to feel a twinge of guilt.  I had a perfectly good excuse for us to eat out. Which we did. And which did get old before our vacation was up. We would leave our room and come back to a wonderfully cleaned room every day.  Again, no guilt for not making our bed in the mornings.  Maid service was so enjoyed! I loved gettng pampered.  'Look out, honey, I could get used to this!'  Oh, and how could I fail to mention the big indoor pool and hot tub?

Unfortunately, our six week vacation at the Ramada wasn't all fun.  It was during this time that we learned Odell's next to youngest sister was diagnosed with cancer.  She would need a bone marrow donor. Of all the brothers and sisters who were tested,  my guy was the only perfect match.  He was so happy and honored to be able to donate his bone marrow for his sister, Jean.  But it never happened. Because, you see, God had other plans for his baby sister...He took her to Heaven to be with Him.  She was 39 years young when she left this world. She would be dearly missed. But it would be our loss. Not her's.

Soon everything would be all set up and we would be leaving all this pampering we were paying dearly for.   And we were excited for this new start.  Hopefully, it wouldn't turn out to be a third six month stint. That was getting just a little tiresome...

So, off we went. Into the sunset.  Off to Beggs. Wherever in the world that was.  We would soon grow weary of the long drive down Highway 75 every day.  But, hey, we felt an excitement about it all. There was joy in sharing a dream...

And, the main thing...the most important thing of all...we were together!

And things just couldn't get any better than this.

We were so in love. So happy. So counting on each other... and God... to help make our dreams
a reality.